Sunday, July 4, 2010

I love movies

Why is it that when you tell people you love movies, it always seems like it's a challenge. All of a sudden they question you about a certain movie, as if they're checking your validity, I mean no I didn't like Transformers, sorry. I love a good popcorn movie like anybody but sometimes I want more than just special effects and no plot. I loved the animated Transformers movie along with the old TV series and I guess that was what I expecting from that movie. This is just one example because I feel movies touch us all in different ways and just because we don't all agree on a certain movie doesn't take away from your experience and enjoyment of the movie.
Movies are to be enjoyed and experienced because to me there is nothing like escaping into a good movie. I love when the lights go down in the theater and that sense of excitement you get from the trailers and the main feature about to start, there's nothing like it especially if it's a movie you've been waiting to see. For me I love watching everything, it doesn't matter the genre or if it's an independent, an old classic or a foreign film, I just love the experience and discussing it afterward.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to reading your movie blog, movielover! =)
