Thursday, October 29, 2015

Let's talk about movies: That time of the season

Let's talk about movies: That time of the season: Well as it is every year, all the movies geared towards the oscars are being released now and I'll say this, so far I seen six really go...

That time of the season

Well as it is every year, all the movies geared towards the oscars are being released now and I'll say this, so far I seen six really good films. I not saying that there hasn't been some great ones already released because there have been quite a few such as Dope, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Straight Outta Compton, The Gift, Kingsman and Mr. Holmes just to name a few. My friend Chris and I were discussing why the studios always release the oscar movies at the end of the year and not throughout the year and the reality is when they are released at the end of the year it's fresher in the academies mind.
The six films I was referring to earlier are The Martian, Sicario, 99 Homes, The Walk, Steve Jobs and Bridge of Spies. Each one of the films offered a rich and compelling story that makes going to the movies everything I hope it is when the lights go down.
I forgot to include another movie I saw recently which was Pawn Sacrifice, Toby Maguire and Liev Schreiber are great playing Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky. It's just more proof how compelling these movies are during this time of the season.
At work recently I had a discussion about the movie Black Mass which came out a little over a month ago and one of my co-workers was saying that Johnny Depp was going to win the oscar for best actor this year.
Well after seeing the movie I can tell you that this is not true, I'm not even sure he'll be nominated, yes he does finally do some acting rather than play a character. Of course I know he's acting even when he plays those characters and he does bring a certain menace playing Whitey Bulger but overall the movie is good not great which I was hoping for. Now a movie like Steve Jobs is where you can see some great acting because obviously Michael Fassbender looks nothing like Steve Jobs but just watching that performance I got sucked in, plus that ensemble, all give such great performances.
We're not even at the end of the year so there's quite a few more movies coming out that will probably be in my top twenty list for the year and I can't wait, bring them on!
I'm going to go off topic now and as you know with a prior blog it's my wish to do a movie marathon and I guess I would also like to get a movie club started as well, I can't help but think how much fun it would be to talk about movies and maybe learn about some I've yet to see. So if anyone is interested in being apart of such an endeavor maybe we can figure out a place to meet or even just watch movies at the theater.
In regards to the marathon I figure maybe I'll have to consider kick starter to help with funding, I'm going to have to do my research.
Well until next time, keep watching movies because you know I will.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Let's talk about movies: Movie Marathons

Let's talk about movies: Movie Marathons: Anyone who knows me, knows movie marathons are something I look forward to. It has come to my attention that Marvel is going to host a 27 ho...

Movie Marathons

Anyone who knows me, knows movie marathons are something I look forward to. It has come to my attention that Marvel is going to host a 27 hour marathon of all their movies on April 29 starting at 6:00 pm and ending sometime after 10 pm on April 30th. Am I crazy enough to attend such an event, well I am seriously considering it. I doubt I'll have anybody willing to go with me but if anyone wants to go let me know and we'll go from there. I've always enjoyed watching multiple movies, in fact when I go to the movies I feel like I've been short changed unless I watch at least two movies. As I write this I'm trying to remember the first marathon I attended, I remember watching the marathon with the first Avengers movie and that was 16 hours and the place was sold out and I had a blast. I'm always asked how I do it and when you love movies like I do it just seems easy. I mean I'm in my element watching movies and I've been lucky that these crowds are usually respectful and we're all there to enjoy movies. Let's get one thing straight, no I don't dress up like any characters but I do enjoy seeing everyone else in costume.
This brings up something I would love to do which would be having my own movie marathons, in which I would introduce various movies to people that they may never have seen and group them with similar movies. Now I'm not talking about 27 hours worth of movies but like a triple feature of different themes, something that would bring people out to have a good time watching movies. I just need to find a venue for this endeavor, I thought about the community center or at Solano Community College because obviously I'm not looking to make money with this but somewhere that people will feel comfortable attending.
My friend Rich and I were discussing different movies to put together and we came up with a few, but I'm open to suggestions with movies and places for this type of venue. Again this would be a blast for me showing movies that I don't think ever got their due respect and because I love movies.
I'm am curious to see if I'll have any takers in regards to the Marvel marathon, well until next time.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Let's talk about movies: Expectations and Oscar talk

Let's talk about movies: Expectations and Oscar talk: It's that time of the year again, a time I both love and get frustrated with and you may wonder what I'm talking about, well it'...

Expectations and Oscar talk

It's that time of the year again, a time I both love and get frustrated with and you may wonder what I'm talking about, well it's academy awards I'm referring to. Every year you get the nominations and if you're like me you agree with most but scratch your head at a few. I guess I have certain expectations when it comes to either the film being nominated or actor, actress nominated.
I just saw Into the Woods because I had to see if Meryl Streep deserved her nomination and it's what I thought, she gets nominated because of who she is and not because of how great her performance was.
I give the actors and actresses credit who do musicals because not only do they have to act but they have to be able to sing as well. It's a slap in the face to the other participants of the movie that only Meryl gets nominated because I think Emily Blunt and Anna Kendrick are equally as good if not better than Mrs. Streep.
Another nomination I don't agree with is Laura Dern in Wild, I get she's the catalyst for the character but her performance didn't add anything to the movie such as Renee Russo in Nightcrawler whose smarmy news director is a great performance that was overlooked.
Ethan Hawke is another one whom I've begun to think plays the same character, another wasted nomination that should have gone to Tom Wilkinson or Tim Roth in Selma, two great performances that shouldn't be missed. Unfortunately I have to include Robert Duvall in this as well because that nomination is all about his age and how he may never get another shot at an academy award nomination. 
The other night I was leaving work and I was asked if I had seen American Snipper yet and at the time I hadn't, so this individual commented that it was going to win the best picture Oscar because it was the best movie they had seen. Well I'm going to strongly disagree because it's a good movie but it is not the best picture of the year. If I got to pick, it would be Guardians of the Galaxy hands down but that is never going to happen. Now back to reality. If I had to pick with what's nominated, it'd be between Birdman and Imitation Game and I might lean towards Imitation Game, I can't say enough how good that movie was.
This brings me to Bradley Cooper's nomination and I know a lot of people will disagree but I'm only telling you what's true. No he doesn't deserve the nomination because I've seen better work from him, in fact last year in American Hustle or the year before with Silver Linings Playbook. Personally Jake Gyllenhaal is great in Nightcrawler and should have been nominated, it's not an easy character to watch but without that performance you don't have that movie. I'd even say Ralph Finnes in Grand Budapest Hotel but comedies never get their just desserts.
Julianne Moore is going to win the Oscar for Still Alice and it's a fine performance but it isn't the best of the year. Rosamund Pike's performance in Gone Girl is the one I'd pick, I mean wow I could choose some choice words for her character but she played that character well. Felicity Jones is the other one I'd pick instead of Julianne Moore, her character had so much depth to it. 
Well as it is every year I enjoy watching the Oscar telecast and some years have been better than others it's the one thing I look forward to. So until next time, keep watching movies because you know I will.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Let's talk about movies: My yearly top movies

Let's talk about movies: My yearly top movies: I was asked recently how long it takes me to comprise my list of top movies for the year, this person commented that it took me what 10 - 15...

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Let's talk about movies: My yearly top movies

Let's talk about movies: My yearly top movies: I was asked recently how long it takes me to comprise my list of top movies for the year, this person commented that it took me what 10 - 15...

My yearly top movies

I was asked recently how long it takes me to comprise my list of top movies for the year, this person commented that it took me what 10 - 15 minutes. Wow, if only they knew me a little better they'd realize it takes me the whole year to come up with that list, when I see a great movie I'm thinking where it's going to on the list. Another aspect I have to deal with is people who ask me why I didn't include a favorite movie of there's, well let's be honest because it's my list and I didn't think your movie deserved to be on my list. I know that sounds arrogant and that's not my intention but movies are a big deal to me. When I go to the movies it's the one place I can truly say that I'm hoping that I'm going to be totally mesmerized and  blown away by the movie I'm watching. That is where the list comes from, those few movies that blew me away, made me feel something because of how well the story was told. I always place a disclaimer at the end of my list telling people that I'm sure not everyone is going to agree with my list but I'm always open to a discussion and I'm hoping that some of the movies on my list will inspire people to watch some of these movies and discover a truly great film.
I have to admit I recently watched The Imitation Game and if I could change my list this would be in my top ten because this is a great film that I think people should see. Benedict Cumberbatch is a great actor along with the ensemble that make this film unforgettable. 
I guess you could say the movies on my top films of the year are recommendations, the reason I bring this up is that people are always recommending movies to me and some I'll definitely see and the others well I think you'll understand when I say I have no intention of ever watching. I know I once said I'd watch any movie so you wouldn't have to, well I can honestly say I can no longer do that, there comes a point where even I can't watch something that is going waste my time. As You know time is a commodity and I can't waste it on crap anymore plus when a lot of that crap has no substance it's a waste for me. I'm not some elitist who doesn't enjoy a good popcorn film or the summer blockbuster anymore, it's just that Hollywood keeps producing more crap these days and I've reached that point where I've become more selective with both my time and the movies I'm willing to sit through.
Here are my top 20 films for 2014:

1. Guardians of the Galaxy
2. Grand Budapest Hotel
3. Birdman
4. The Lunchbox
5. Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier
6. The Skeleton Twins
7. Snowpiercer / The Raid 2
8. Pride
9. Chef
10. Whiplash
11. Begin Again
12. Boyhood
13. Foxcatcher
16. How To Train Your Dragon 2
17. Edge of Tomorrow
18. St. Vincent
19. X-Men: Days of Future Past
20. Dawn of The Planet of the Apes