Thursday, January 8, 2015

My yearly top movies

I was asked recently how long it takes me to comprise my list of top movies for the year, this person commented that it took me what 10 - 15 minutes. Wow, if only they knew me a little better they'd realize it takes me the whole year to come up with that list, when I see a great movie I'm thinking where it's going to on the list. Another aspect I have to deal with is people who ask me why I didn't include a favorite movie of there's, well let's be honest because it's my list and I didn't think your movie deserved to be on my list. I know that sounds arrogant and that's not my intention but movies are a big deal to me. When I go to the movies it's the one place I can truly say that I'm hoping that I'm going to be totally mesmerized and  blown away by the movie I'm watching. That is where the list comes from, those few movies that blew me away, made me feel something because of how well the story was told. I always place a disclaimer at the end of my list telling people that I'm sure not everyone is going to agree with my list but I'm always open to a discussion and I'm hoping that some of the movies on my list will inspire people to watch some of these movies and discover a truly great film.
I have to admit I recently watched The Imitation Game and if I could change my list this would be in my top ten because this is a great film that I think people should see. Benedict Cumberbatch is a great actor along with the ensemble that make this film unforgettable. 
I guess you could say the movies on my top films of the year are recommendations, the reason I bring this up is that people are always recommending movies to me and some I'll definitely see and the others well I think you'll understand when I say I have no intention of ever watching. I know I once said I'd watch any movie so you wouldn't have to, well I can honestly say I can no longer do that, there comes a point where even I can't watch something that is going waste my time. As You know time is a commodity and I can't waste it on crap anymore plus when a lot of that crap has no substance it's a waste for me. I'm not some elitist who doesn't enjoy a good popcorn film or the summer blockbuster anymore, it's just that Hollywood keeps producing more crap these days and I've reached that point where I've become more selective with both my time and the movies I'm willing to sit through.
Here are my top 20 films for 2014:

1. Guardians of the Galaxy
2. Grand Budapest Hotel
3. Birdman
4. The Lunchbox
5. Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier
6. The Skeleton Twins
7. Snowpiercer / The Raid 2
8. Pride
9. Chef
10. Whiplash
11. Begin Again
12. Boyhood
13. Foxcatcher
16. How To Train Your Dragon 2
17. Edge of Tomorrow
18. St. Vincent
19. X-Men: Days of Future Past
20. Dawn of The Planet of the Apes

1 comment:

  1. You arrogant s.o.b.!!! haha. Can't really comment about the list since I haven't seen most of them, but I loved Guardians of the Galaxy too- that was hands down my favorite of the year . But commenting on the last few sentences of your post, because I don't see as many movies as I'd like, I want to make it count when I do see something. But it makes it tough when Hollywood puts out that crap, like you said.
