Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I was recently in a discussion about a co-workers all time favorite comedy, which happens to be "The Hangover". I think it was a very funny comedy at the time, but it is not my favorite, I don't know that it would be in my top ten. What I most enjoy is how passionate we are about our favorite movies and how we take it personally if someone doesn't agree with us.Comedies are one of those things, what I might find funny, others are sure to disagree or be in total agreement with me. Point is I'm always right and these people have a lot to learn when it comes to movies...... I'm just kidding of course.
Will Ferrell is the man still until he stops being funny which can happen because comedy is cyclical and you can only stay on top for so long before something new tickles our fancy. Right now we're still in the raunch phase of comedy which was started by the Farelly Brothers in the 90's when they crossed that line we thought couldn't be crossed. It started in "King Pin" and was exemplified in "There's Something About Mary" which are a couple of my all time favorite comedies.
Charlie Chaplin is someone who made some great comedies and where would we be today if not for him and Harold Llyod and Buster Keaton. When you watch these guys and how they choreographed their stunts, even by todays standards it's still amazing and quite funny. Chaplin though for me is still amazing and very funny especially in the "Gold Rush" and "City Lights", a tremendous talent. Later in the talkie era we got the Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello and of course most peoples favorite The Three Stooges. One of the greatest comedy routines is by Abbott and Costello's Who's on first routine which is in their movie the "Naughty Nineties", even in today's world it's a classic, I urge you to see it, it's amazing. I'm sure it can be found on You Tube.
A couple more of my favorites are from Mel Brooks, "Young Frankenstein and "Blazing Saddles", of course I enjoyed the Naked Guns when they were out. Of course one can't forget "Airplane", although I recently watched it again and unfortunately it didn't hold up as well as I'd hoped but it's still fun.
Some more of my personal favorites are "Better Off Dead", "Three O'Clock High", "Clifford" and of course "Midnight Run". The bottom line is as long as it made you laugh that's all that matters, even if it's "Scarey Movie" or "White Chicks", which I personally don't find funny. I do have to give credit to one more movie that came at a time when I needed it most and that is "Old School", another classic.
Well I hope you enjoy reading this and I hope maybe some of you will give me some feed back and a couple of your favorite comedies. Till next time have fun watching movies because I know I will.


  1. One thing you're right about is that some people have a lot to learn about comedies because "Kung Pow- Enter the Fist" was not even mentioned in this blog. That is one of the best of all time! Haha, just kidding, but that's a good example of what you're saying, I love "Kung Pow" because it is so ridiculously stupid at times, and it makes me think about my kids and I laughing hysterically when we'd watch it. Granted most people don't get it, but it goes to your point that what makes one person laugh might not make the next person laugh.

    Other favorites of mine- your mentions of There's Something About Mary, Naked Gun (the first one was the best), Midnight Run. Others that I like that you haven't mentioned- Dumb and Dumber, Stepbrothers, Big, Wedding Crashers, Shallow Hal, 40 Year Old Virgin, even Beverly Hills Cop, which is along the same lines as Midnight Run as an action/comedy...............I'm starting to put Happy Gilmore in that range, and Forgetting Sarah Marshall too the more it is shown.

    A good comedy is something that keeps on giving, especially when you find a nugget that you find funnier than the first, second or 10th time you watch it ("my real passion is my hobby......really, what's that?........I work with retards" LOL!!!).

    Good 'blog and keep up the good work.

  2. Lest we not forget the screwball comedies, exemplified by Carey Grant in "Arsenic and Old Lace" and "the Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer", but two of my favorites incluede " What's Up Doc" and "Foul Play", which as a bonus both are set in San Francisco.

  3. I love comedies that are funny, but also have that little something extra to hook me into the characters. When Harry Met Sally is a movie like that. YES I know it's a "romantic" comedy, but that movie is funny. FUNNY! I would have to say the National Lampoon movies are on my list, too.... and movies like Elf, and Tommy Boy. I know - all over the map.

    Anything that makes me smile that is well-written hooks me. I dig the wit, but I don't dig being hit over the head with too many obvious slap stick moments.
