Thursday, December 29, 2011

Attendance at the movies

It seems that I keep reading how attendance at the movies is diminishing year after year. I attribute that to higher admission rates, zero tolerance to mobile devices, along with not putting up with people talking and T.V. I'll add that scripts haven't been up to snuff and people are downloading more movies and watching on the go.
I for one am shocked that there are not more discount movie theaters, especially in these economic times, it would be one way to bring more people back to the movies. I've even thought that the big theater chains could have special days during the week to entice more customers, but that's a whole different story because movie studios have a lot of say in that.
Having a zero tolerance stance from every theater would be tremendous because I can't stand people who use mobile devices or talk during a movie. The Alamo Drafthouse has a zero tolerance in place, so if you're caught using a mobile device or talking during a movie you're automatically kicked out of the theater without a refund, as it should be.
One of the biggest reasons I think people are going less to the movies is because of television. There are so many good shows on these days that offer great writing and stories, that it's like being able to watch a movie every week in the comfort of your home. I almost think that people in Hollywood have forgotten how to write or they ended up writing for a television series. I can't lie there are T.V shows that I have to watch and they seem to be on year round now.
The other biggest reason attendance is low is that people are downloading movies and watching at home or on the go with there mobile devices. It amazes me how fast movies are available on the internet, some that are brand new at the theaters. I guess it's not that shocking because the futures here and what was once thought impossible, is now possible because people want things faster and don't have the patience to wait any more.
All things said I still love going to the movies and escaping in the story but I won't lie because I love watching movies on my Blu-Ray player and not having to put up with stupid people in the comfort of my home.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Well it's been far to long since I've written anything, but I've got two movie recommendations that I feel are a must see and what I might consider hidden gems.
The first movie is Bandslam it's a story that centers on a high school outcast and a popular girl who form an unlikely bond through their shared love of music. Assembling a like-minded crew of misfits, the friends form a rock group and perform in the battle of the bands competition at their school. Now when this movie was released it was quite easy to overlook because it looked like another stupid teenage movie that starred Vanessa Hudgens and Aly Michalka, of whom you'd only know about if you watched High School Musical or the Disney channel. If your wondering, no I've never seen either the movies or the T.V show that these young actresses were on but I do read a lot about movies.
Will the central character as played by Gaelan Connell is someone I could relate to, he has an extensive knowledge on music and truly loves it, similar to my love with movies. Will is an outcast and considered odd because of something in his past but he is so much more than that and it shows when he helps and basically puts the band together. Vanessa Hudgens and Aly Michalka are very good and have good chemistry with the rest of the cast and are definitely talented singers.
School of Rock was one of my favorite movies when it came out and I'm not comparing but there are similarities, basically these are fun movies to watch that often get overlooked and that's a shame because sometimes you might be missing out on something quite enjoyable.
My second recommendation is the movie Flipped which is about A young schoolboy realizes that the same girl he struggled to avoid may actually be his one true love in this coming-of-age romantic comedy from director Rob Reiner. Adapted from the book by Wendelin Van Draanen, Flipped tells the story of mischievous schoolboy Bryce (Callan McAuliffe) and his neighbor Juli (Madeline Carroll), who's had a crush on her girl-phobic classmate since second grade.
This is probably Rob Reiner's best work in along time that unfortunately didn't get seen by many people because it wasn't released to a wide audience.
This charming movie has the distinction of showing both vantage points from it's lead characters, which is rather refreshing in the way it's used in this movie and doesn't come across as a plot device but feels natural in telling the story.
Callan McAuliffe as Bryce and Madeline Carroll as Juli are outstanding and very charming as the leads and remind you of your first time being in love.
I really feel this is one of those movies that can be watched during the holidays and shared with families for movie nights, mind you of course there are a few curse words in this movie, especially for those who try to limit what their kids hear.
I hope if you choose to watch these movies that you enjoy them as much as I did and do still and let me know what you thought.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let's talk about movies: 3D

Let's talk about movies: 3D: "It seems every time you turn around now, every movie is in 3D and now it seems more like a threat than a treat. I think we all get it's the ..."


It seems every time you turn around now, every movie is in 3D and now it seems more like a threat than a treat. I think we all get it's the studios way of bilking us out of more money but it's so shameless because we all know not every movie has to be in 3D.
I remember back in the 80's when they tried to reintroduce this format, especially with horror movies and that lasted about a minute because it became to gimmicky and unnecessary, but who could forget those red and blue lensed glasses. Which brings us back to today and history is repeating itself. It wasn't that long ago maybe 3 or 4 years now with this current reintroduction but it's reminding me of the 80's because it's becoming gimmicky and unnecessary.
Avatar is the movie that changed everything, it was the spectacle that showed what 3D could and should do when watching in that format. It was as if that movie was alive, with how vibrant those colors were, it's as if we were on that planet of Pandora. There were a couple of animated films that were quite good in this format as well that enhanced my movie-going experience but it's still not enough to justify every movie in 3D.
James Cameron who made Avatar filmed that movie in 3D with cameras he had made specifically for this movie and future movies because he felt the technology had finally caught up to his vision of what he could achieve. I know that there are movies currently being made that are being filmed in 3D and honestly I'm a mixture of skeptical and excited because if a movie can duplicate that success like Avatar did then I'm all in. That kind of spectacle of movie-going experience should be a once a year event, that way people don't get burned out and it still maintains that feeling of freshness, otherwise the way it's going you might as well have independent films in 3D as well so you can scare even more people away from the movies because of that threat.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Movies I've enjoyed so far this year

Summer is almost upon us and it's the time of the year for the summer blockbusters to start bombarding us. My hopes are up as they are every year, and I'm sure I'll be disappointed but also hopefully pleasantly surprised.
There are a few movies I've enjoyed so far this year and one of my favorites is Barney's Version with Paul Giamatti and Dustin Hoffman. Two master craftsmen at the top of their game who left me mesmerized with their performances in this great film which takes you on a ride in the life and memories of Barney Panofsky, a hard-drinking, cigar-smoking, foulmouthed 65-year old hockey fanatic and television producer.
Jane Eyre is another film that does the book justice, Mia Wasikowska as the title character is an actress whom should be on your radar because she is on her way to becoming great. Michael Fassbender as Mr. Rochester is also someone on the fast track to the A-list with his commanding performance in this film.
The Adjustment Bureau was a film I enjoyed with Matt Damon and Emily Blunt, they had great chemistry together. Matt Damon is a great actor and makes every role he plays believable and the film has you wondering about ones own fate.
Source Code is such a mind puzzler for most but I thoroughly enjoyed it and think it could make the years top ten, Duncan Jones has made another great film and I'll be keeping my eye on him.
A few more I'll mention are Win Win a film by Thomas McCarthy who has now made three great films, Super with Rainn Wilson who becomes a super hero after his wife falls under the influence of a drug dealer and Hanna. Hanna is the movie that Sucker Punch wished it could be, because that's what happens when you have a story and not just special effects.
Sucker Punch was the one movie I was waiting to see and it was truly a disappointment, visually it's stunning but when your movie lacks a story or at least something that resembles a story, you're left with nothing which is what I felt after leaving the theatre. I get what Zack Snyder was trying to do but you can't start with the special effects and maybe he should leave the writing to someone else.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Midnight Run

Every time I think about this movie I have to smile because I find myself remembering various scenes that are just hilarious. To me the movie is genius, it stars Robert De Niro as bounty hunter Jack Walsh and Charles Grodin as the Duke.
Bounty hunter Jack Walsh is sent to find and return bail jumper and former Mafia accountant, Jonathan "The Duke" Mardukas. The FBI have had no success in locating The Duke, so when Jack finds him in next to no time, they are a little embarrassed. In order to collect his $100,000 fee, Jack must take The Duke from New York to Los Angeles. However, the Mafia and the FBI have other ideas, as does Marvin, a rival bounty hunter. On their long cross-country trip to LA, the two get to know each other and they build up a strange friendship.
The success of this movie is the chemistry between the two leads which are truly an odd couple yet are comedic gold. This was Robert De Niro's first true stab at comedy and I think the precursor for his future comedic roles such as Meet the Parents and Analyze This. Prior to this movie all De Niro had done or was known for was heavy dramas, there was The King of Comedy but that was a black comedy and not a comedy like Midnight Run.
Charles Grodin is not an actor I would've thought of for a movie like this and that's what makes this movie so good, watching his reactions and the dialogue between the two leads is something special.
Also along for the ride are Dennis Farina as mobster Jimmy Serrano with his two hench men Tony and Joey played by Richard Foronjy and Robert Miranda. Yaphet Kotto as FBI agent Alonzo Mosely, John Ashton as Marvin Dorfler, and Joe Pantoliano as Eddie Moscone.
All these actors come together to make an action/comedy like no other and one that when ever I see that it's on I always catch myself watching and revelling in it's brilliance. If you haven't ever seen this movie I highly recommend it because in my opinion it's a great movie and one of my all time favorites. What also makes this film so special is that it has heart and how two people from different worlds could become friends, in the next life.
I recently read that there have been talks to do a sequel to this classic and I hope that doesn't happen because that would destroy what has already been established and twenty something years too late, besides the movie is a stand alone and ended perfectly, Hollywood needs to stop grasping at straws.

Midnight Run

Monday, February 21, 2011

Let's talk about movies: My Favorite Movie

Let's talk about movies: My Favorite Movie: "I'm often asked by friends and people who know me 'What's your favorite movie?' and quite honestly I don't have one particular favorite amon..."

My Favorite Movie

I'm often asked by friends and people who know me "What's your favorite movie?" and quite honestly I don't have one particular favorite among all the movies I've seen. That's such a hard decision because to me it diminishes my enjoyment from the movies I've seen and arbitrarily places them in some category or order that means one particular film was better then another film.
For most people they need that symbol or structure of defining what's great in descending order, but it doesn't work that way for me, especially when it comes to movies because each film touches me in a different way.
Watching movies throughout the years has brought me a lot of pleasure and experiences that I'll treasure for the rest of my life. Some of those movies have been heavy dramas that have brought me to tears and amazed by the performances like in "The Color Purple", which is one of my favorite movies, it's just an incredible story. That's it also, incredible stories that have been told by some remarkable filmmakers over the years and more that I'm sure I'll enjoy for years to come and yet people expect you to name one film to rule them all.

So here's a list of some of my all time favorite movies in no particular order:
The Shawshank Redemptioin
The Godfather 1 & 2
The Departed
Citizen Kane
The 400 Blows
On The Waterfront
The Apartment
Pulp Fiction
The Bicycle Thief
The Lord of The Rings Trilogy
One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Best Years of Our Lives

I'm sure people who read this will tell me that I missed this movie or that movie on my list and as I said it's a partial list, also it's MY LIST and that's the thing about movies they touch us all differently.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My First Mister/ Cherish

These are two movies I really enjoy and I'm hoping you'll enjoy, they're a couple of hidden gems that I feel deserved to be seen.
My First Mister is the story of an alienated goth teen who forms an unlikely friendship with a lonely men's clothing store owner. The film stars Leelee Sobieski and Albert Brooks as the unlikely duo who are perfectly cast and learn they have more in common despite their age difference.
To me the story is about connection and finding that someone whom you can truly be yourself with and really talk to and be heard. I liked how the story stayed with the main characters and didn't add a bunch of subplots that tend to muddle a script, especially when teens are involved.
Leelee Sobieski really broke out with this performance and I felt she was on her way especially considering the roles she had played which were good but similar.
Albert Brooks who I always enjoy has great chemistry and keeps the movie grounded in a performance that could have been played as a romantic interest or more in lesser hands but fortunately the filmmakers stayed true to the story they were trying to tell.

Cherish is the story of a shy twenty-something computer animator named Zoe who spends countless hours listening to KXCH Cherish radio, a mixture of 70's and 80's pop. Zoe is involved in a mysterious car accident that has her facing vehicular homicide and gets her confined to house arrest while awaiting trial. Her parole officer becomes enamored with her as she tries to prove her innocence.
Robin Tunney plays Zoe and makes this part her own, something I would have never seen coming considering the roles she'd played prior. I was really taken aback and hoping I'd see more from her but that hasn't happened, but at least you can watch this movie and appreciate her.
Tim Blake Nelson plays her parole officer and adds a quirky yet endearing quality to his character who must keep his growing attraction in check while doing his job.
For an independent film I was surprised at the music they were able to acquire for this film because for me that is another reason I enjoyed it so much. I have to admit I really liked those 70's and 80's pop songs played throughout the film but ultimately I really liked the chemistry between Robin Tunney and Tim Blake Nelson and the story the filmmakers made.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Romantic Comedies/ Movies

I must apologize for my absence on my own blog, but it's a new year and I'm going to try to be writing a lot more because I love talking about movies.
I recently saw two movies, No Strings Attached and The Dilemma which were mediocre at best nothing you should pay full price for, better yet wait for the rental.
No Strings Attached with Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher just never resonated with me and it has to do with the leads who I don't think have any chemistry. My first question is why are studios still giving Aston Kutcher roles, he's been playing that same annoying character in these types of movies since he started. I understand that certain actors or actresses play only certain roles but even they make the most out of there roles and I quite enjoy them in those movies but Ashton Kutcher I don't get it or see it, he doesn't have the talent.
Natalie Portman is another actress whom I've thought was okay in the movies she's played but was never blown away by. I thought she was going to be a lot better since she started out so well with her first two movies, The Professional and Beautiful Girls but she kind of just fell into the middle and never blossomed. Of course that's changed with Black Swan but in this movie it's the same Natalie Portman the one who feels as if she's been miscast because frankly she isn't believable.
The movies premise of friends with benefits is one thing because you can see the ending a mile away but it's the way the story is played out that just doesn't work, in fact they should have kept the script and kept working on it because it really feels contrived, not that most romantic comedies aren't contrived. It all starts with the leads and if they have chemistry they can make the story believable even if it's contrived. Another complaint is the movie isn't funny and I kept waiting to laugh as this is supposed to be a romantic comedy.

The Dilemma is the other movie I saw and talk about disjointed, it can't decide what it wants to be, a comedy or a drama. The movie is based on the premise of what would you do if you caught your best friends significant other cheating on them. Vince Vaughn is one of the leads and does his usual shtick which in this movie feels out of place, if the movie was a straight comedy that would be one thing but when you add drama like this it doesn't work. Vince Vaughn can do drama so it isn't a question of his talent, I'm just shocked that Ron Howard could make this poor of a movie.
Kevin James is miscast in this movie because him playing his usual King of Queens role is getting old quick and I have yet to see if he can handle a dramatic role, because this role required someone with a little more acting chops.
I feel there were two performances that were wasted and they belonged to Jennifer Connelly and Winona Ryder because they keep the movie grounded and centered playing the love interest for the two lead characters. Jennifer Connelly brings her immense talent to the role as Vince Vaughn's girlfriend that gets wasted because this movie can't figure out if it's trying to be funny or serious. Winona Ryder shows she still has what it takes especially in a scene in a diner opposite Vince Vaughn that makes you wonder why she isn't acting more.
Queen Latifah is thrown in to add more comedy or laughs which doesn't add or work in the movie and then there's the Channing Tatum character which is just ridiculous and stupid, all this in a Ron Howard film, I'm shocked because he's a great filmmaker just not here.

Now I'd like to recommend some romantic comedies that are some of my favorites and never get old.
Notting Hill
Untamed Heart
Mystic Pizza
Never Been Kissed
When Harry Met Sally
There's more but I'll save those for another time.