Monday, February 21, 2011

My Favorite Movie

I'm often asked by friends and people who know me "What's your favorite movie?" and quite honestly I don't have one particular favorite among all the movies I've seen. That's such a hard decision because to me it diminishes my enjoyment from the movies I've seen and arbitrarily places them in some category or order that means one particular film was better then another film.
For most people they need that symbol or structure of defining what's great in descending order, but it doesn't work that way for me, especially when it comes to movies because each film touches me in a different way.
Watching movies throughout the years has brought me a lot of pleasure and experiences that I'll treasure for the rest of my life. Some of those movies have been heavy dramas that have brought me to tears and amazed by the performances like in "The Color Purple", which is one of my favorite movies, it's just an incredible story. That's it also, incredible stories that have been told by some remarkable filmmakers over the years and more that I'm sure I'll enjoy for years to come and yet people expect you to name one film to rule them all.

So here's a list of some of my all time favorite movies in no particular order:
The Shawshank Redemptioin
The Godfather 1 & 2
The Departed
Citizen Kane
The 400 Blows
On The Waterfront
The Apartment
Pulp Fiction
The Bicycle Thief
The Lord of The Rings Trilogy
One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Best Years of Our Lives

I'm sure people who read this will tell me that I missed this movie or that movie on my list and as I said it's a partial list, also it's MY LIST and that's the thing about movies they touch us all differently.

1 comment:

  1. What's funny is when I saw the title of "My favorite movie," I was like "huh!?? Dave has one favorite?" Lol
