Monday, March 9, 2015

Let's talk about movies: Movie Marathons

Let's talk about movies: Movie Marathons: Anyone who knows me, knows movie marathons are something I look forward to. It has come to my attention that Marvel is going to host a 27 ho...

Movie Marathons

Anyone who knows me, knows movie marathons are something I look forward to. It has come to my attention that Marvel is going to host a 27 hour marathon of all their movies on April 29 starting at 6:00 pm and ending sometime after 10 pm on April 30th. Am I crazy enough to attend such an event, well I am seriously considering it. I doubt I'll have anybody willing to go with me but if anyone wants to go let me know and we'll go from there. I've always enjoyed watching multiple movies, in fact when I go to the movies I feel like I've been short changed unless I watch at least two movies. As I write this I'm trying to remember the first marathon I attended, I remember watching the marathon with the first Avengers movie and that was 16 hours and the place was sold out and I had a blast. I'm always asked how I do it and when you love movies like I do it just seems easy. I mean I'm in my element watching movies and I've been lucky that these crowds are usually respectful and we're all there to enjoy movies. Let's get one thing straight, no I don't dress up like any characters but I do enjoy seeing everyone else in costume.
This brings up something I would love to do which would be having my own movie marathons, in which I would introduce various movies to people that they may never have seen and group them with similar movies. Now I'm not talking about 27 hours worth of movies but like a triple feature of different themes, something that would bring people out to have a good time watching movies. I just need to find a venue for this endeavor, I thought about the community center or at Solano Community College because obviously I'm not looking to make money with this but somewhere that people will feel comfortable attending.
My friend Rich and I were discussing different movies to put together and we came up with a few, but I'm open to suggestions with movies and places for this type of venue. Again this would be a blast for me showing movies that I don't think ever got their due respect and because I love movies.
I'm am curious to see if I'll have any takers in regards to the Marvel marathon, well until next time.