Thursday, September 25, 2014

Let's talk about movies: Robin Williams

Let's talk about movies: Robin Williams: I resisted commenting about Robin Williams on social media because it wouldn't have meant as much. You see he touched my family and me i...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Robin Williams

I resisted commenting about Robin Williams on social media because it wouldn't have meant as much. You see he touched my family and me in a way he will never know, my son was in the hospital at UCSF many years ago and I had gone to see my son on a Sunday and thought it would be just a normal day for us when I was told by the hospital staff that he'd been by. They told me that he'd done this in the past and he would also buy toys for the kids in the ward where my son was at. I thought what a tremendous and incredible gift a star of his stature could give to people and it wasn't for publicity, the staff told me he would just come by to see how the kids were doing and hoping he could give them a little joy while they were there.
Robin was a great talent who's light went out to soon and it is disingenuous to say he was selfish because until you've know the kind of pain some people go through in life it tarnishes all good they've brought to many which can never be repaid. I just hope he's finally happy and not suffering anymore because that little gesture he showed to my son and the other kids is something I will hold with me the rest of my life.
My favorite performance from Robin is probably in the Fisher King an incredible movie that as I'm writing this, I need to watch again. Don't get me wrong he's incredible in Aladdin, Good Morning Vietnam, Dead Poets Society, and countless others. His performance in Insomnia is brilliant, it showed a whole new dimension to his acting that I hadn't seen before and I think it's a lot better than One Hour Photo which he got acclaim for. I loved how he could go from dramatic in Good Will Hunting and to comedy and give us a classic like Mrs. Doubtfire. Like I said a tremendous talent that will be missed for many generations to come, I guess we'll have his movies but I'd trade all that just so his family could have him.