Thursday, September 25, 2014

Let's talk about movies: Robin Williams

Let's talk about movies: Robin Williams: I resisted commenting about Robin Williams on social media because it wouldn't have meant as much. You see he touched my family and me i...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Robin Williams

I resisted commenting about Robin Williams on social media because it wouldn't have meant as much. You see he touched my family and me in a way he will never know, my son was in the hospital at UCSF many years ago and I had gone to see my son on a Sunday and thought it would be just a normal day for us when I was told by the hospital staff that he'd been by. They told me that he'd done this in the past and he would also buy toys for the kids in the ward where my son was at. I thought what a tremendous and incredible gift a star of his stature could give to people and it wasn't for publicity, the staff told me he would just come by to see how the kids were doing and hoping he could give them a little joy while they were there.
Robin was a great talent who's light went out to soon and it is disingenuous to say he was selfish because until you've know the kind of pain some people go through in life it tarnishes all good they've brought to many which can never be repaid. I just hope he's finally happy and not suffering anymore because that little gesture he showed to my son and the other kids is something I will hold with me the rest of my life.
My favorite performance from Robin is probably in the Fisher King an incredible movie that as I'm writing this, I need to watch again. Don't get me wrong he's incredible in Aladdin, Good Morning Vietnam, Dead Poets Society, and countless others. His performance in Insomnia is brilliant, it showed a whole new dimension to his acting that I hadn't seen before and I think it's a lot better than One Hour Photo which he got acclaim for. I loved how he could go from dramatic in Good Will Hunting and to comedy and give us a classic like Mrs. Doubtfire. Like I said a tremendous talent that will be missed for many generations to come, I guess we'll have his movies but I'd trade all that just so his family could have him.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I like pretty much anything and why aren't there more family films

I was having a conversation with a co-worker not too long ago and we were discussing what movie or movies I was going to watch that week. I mentioned that I planned on watching "The Grand Budapest Hotel", and without missing a beat this individual said "you like oscar films, don't you!". Of course I responded "yes", but I think this person thought this was foreign film with subtitles which he could not understand. I explained it was a comedy by Wes Anderson that I really wanted to see, but I think the title may have seemed a little ostentatious to him, oh well his loss. In my opinion it is one of the best films of the year, it was very funny and it has to be one of Wes Anderson's best films.
I'm asked every weekend what I plan on watching that week and I'm sure some of the titles I mention throw them off because it's not something they would pay to see, but I'm not like everybody else, I love seeing almost everything. There are always exceptions, maybe it's the trailer I saw that I could just tell I wanted no part of watching that movie. I'm sure people who know me would think differently because I've seen some movies that they were right about that just sucked. I'll give some examples of bad movies I've seen, Robocop, the 300 sequel, Transcendence, That Awkward Moment, and Jack Ryan. I think the one I was disappointed in most was The Amazing Spider-man 2, there's elements I like but overall very disappointing, don't even get me started on the need to reboot it. I did recently see another hidden gem that I highly recommend which is called "Fading Gigolo", it's with John Turturro who wrote and directed this film and also stars Woody Allen. A very funny film that has Woody Allen's character setting up John Turturro's character for a menage a trios with Sharon Stone and Sofia Vergara.

As a parent I've often wondered why there aren't more family films to take your kids to, and I'm not talking about animated films, which I love as well. I'm talking about movies like when I was a kid like the old Disney movies, The Computer Wore Glasses, The Apple Dumpling Gang, or The Black Hole, something other than animation. It seems today we only associate family or kids films as animated, which I think needs to change. I'm sure people my age or a little younger remember family films like The Goonies, The Sandlot, Holes and E.T. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's more potential for better stories other than just animation to be told, especially for a little older kids and parents as well. Also it seems like when you're looking for movies to take your family to there's always a huge gap in between movies for the whole family to see. As much crap as Hollywood puts out, there's a huge potential for more money I think in family films as we can attest to animated movies. Live action family films have as good a chance as any animated film, they just have start getting made and not skimp on the quality.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Let's talk about movies: Chick Flicks

Let's talk about movies: Chick Flicks: So a couple of months ago I was at work talking to a friend about The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and how I thought he should check it out, ...

Chick Flicks

So a couple of months ago I was at work talking to a friend about The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and how I thought he should check it out, when someone else blurted out don't waste your time it's a chick flick. Well first off I don't think he really watched or understood the movie, because he was wrong and secondly even if it was a chick flick what's wrong with that.I've seen some great films that were chick flicks, and I'll confess I actually like chick flicks. It isn't even that it's a chick flick, so much as how great the story being told is.
It happened one night, Gone with the Wind, and Penny Serenade are some of my first movies I remember watching as a kid, thanks to my mom and are some of my all time favorites. As I got older another favorite is The Ghost and Mrs. Muir or The Women, the original from 1939 not that crappy remake they recently made, which has only female actresses in the whole movie but is a classic.
Some others that I've enjoyed over the years are Untamed Heart, My First Mister, Cherish, or Sommersby, movies that rich in story telling and just fun to watch. Richard Curtis is another writer and director who has made in my opinion some great films or wrote them, such as Four Weddings and a Funeral, About Time, Love Actually and Notting Hill the latter two again are personal favorites.
Of course there's Ghost, Pretty Woman, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and Dirty Dancing because no one puts baby in a corner, guilty pleasures for sure. There's more I want to add Sliding Doors, The Holiday or the Lake House, if you've not seen these, give them a try, I think you'll enjoy them. I can't write this without mentioning When Harry met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle or a couple more of my guilty pleasures like Never Been Kissed and Romy and Michele's High School Reunion.
One night I decided to do a double feature of The Night We Never Met and Three of Hearts, now that was a great night as both movies complimented each other, again if you've not seen these movies give them a shot. I could go on with a lot more because these supposed "chick flicks" are great movies and I don't care what anybody thinks because I'm going to watch them and have a good time doing so, because sometimes it's just about a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her.
I would love for feed back and for recommendations of other movies I might not have seen, till next time have fun watching movies because you know I will.