Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Let's talk about movies: Holiday movie traditions

Let's talk about movies: Holiday movie traditions: Do you have a holiday movie tradition, one in which you have to watch a certain movie during the holidays? Well let's explore this, for...

Holiday movie traditions

Do you have a holiday movie tradition, one in which you have to watch a certain movie during the holidays?
Well let's explore this, for me during Christmas I have to watch It's a Wonderful Life, that is one of my all time favorite movies. Of course maybe it isn't movies but all the holiday cartoons that come on T.V. , because who doesn't enjoy those. It all starts during Halloween and now there are some many different cartoons, unlike when I was growing up and it seemed like all they had was Charlie Brown but I still couldn't wait to see it. Now that my daughter is older we've introduced some of the horror classics to watch during Halloween, so that's a lot of fun, watching through her eyes what we've grow up with.
On a Personal level Thanksgiving is not my favorite time of the year, although I am working on it. This does bring up a time a few years back when I hosted Thanksgiving and had my family over, this was not an easy time for us but we made the best of it. I've always enjoyed simple things like having friends and family over to eat and watch movies. This was definitely one of those times, in fact I think we started by watching the first Austin Powers movie which my brothers and sisters and my mom hadn't seen, so that was a lot of fun. We followed that with So I Married an Axe Murderer, The Fifth Element and Sling Blade, definitely not holiday movies but who cares we were together having a blast and to me that is what your holiday movie tradition is about togetherness and fun!!
Now Christmas is a whole different thing, I love Christmas and especially all the holiday movies and cartoons that accompany it. This year I've already started a mental list of what I'm hoping to watch, of course as I've stated earlier It's a Wonderful Life is a must, another one is The Bishop's Wife, a great movie for those who've never seen it. They always do the Christmas Story marathon on TBS so I'm sure I'll catch that one and Elf which I think is this generations Christmas Story. I wish I still had my family close by because it would be a lot of fun hanging out and watching movies and who knows what non-traditional holiday movie we'd watch this time.
So maybe if you haven't started this tradition it's something you can start with your family or for yourself and it doesn't have to follow any kind of theme, just something you enjoy watching. I'd be interested in what some of your choices might be because maybe I'll include those in my holiday viewing. As I stated before it doesn't matter what you watch, it's all about having fun. Who knows maybe you enjoy going to the movies to watch movies, I've done that and that's a blast as well.
Well to everyone happy holidays and as always let's enjoy watching movies, you know I will.