Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Let's talk about movies: Movies of 2013 thus far

Let's talk about movies: Movies of 2013 thus far: My own blog and I can't be consistent but here I go. This has not been a banner year for movies thus far, really it's looking to be ...

Movies of 2013 thus far

My own blog and I can't be consistent but here I go. This has not been a banner year for movies thus far, really it's looking to be one of the worst in my opinion, just not enough good movies. There have been a few sprinkled in but it's just not a good year. This year could get saved by the coming fall movies which I'm hoping for, there looks to be some really good ones coming soon, I can't wait.
You always kind of expect a drop off from the oscar push at the end of the year, in which maybe there's a couple of films that start the new year off on a good note. That has not been the case and I expected bigger things once the summer season was upon us and I can honestly say it's a big let down. I'm not just talking about the summer blockbuster, but even the smaller independent movies. It didn't help that one of my favorite places to catch up on my independent films closed down this year, the Cinedome in Concord, such a a travesty, so many great films that I saw there, gone now. Not only that but all these smaller films are only in the theaters for a short period before there gone and I guess I have to wait for the dvd to rent.
I'm glad I've begun posting mini reviews on facebook but I was taken to task recently regarding one of my reviews, it all stemmed from the fact that I didn't agree with someone from my work about The Man of Steel. You see I gave Pacific Rim a good review, I never said the movie was great, but I said it was a fun time at the movies and I found Man of Steel to be underwhelming, so he didn't agree with me. In fact my co-worker said it was one of the best films of the year for him and I'm glad he holds on to his conviction because that's what I love to hear, people who love movies even though in this case he's wrong, no I'm joking of course.
My problem with The Man of Steel is that I never felt a real connection with the character and I wished they'd have fleshed out more of his back story, of course there's more but that's not what this blog is about.
I can say this about Pacific Rim it never pretended to be anything other than it was, no it wasn't great but I could just go in watch the movie and escape for a couple of hours while having a good time. Or as my good friend Chris always says "It wasn't a couple of hours I wasted and can't get back".
Here's a list of movies I've really enjoyed for this year thus far:
Side Effects
The Place Beyond the Pines
Blue Jasmine
World War Z
Star Trek Into Darkness
Of course I'm hoping to catch up on all those independents I missed as they're released on dvd because there were quite a few I missed.
One last thing, I don't know about you but I used to always enjoy when the lights would go down and the trailers would start, but now it seems that there are literally a million trailers before each film and it's as if you don't have to watch the film because they give away the whole movie in that trailer. Note to film industry cut down on how many trailers you bombard us with and how much plot you give away in the trailers.
Until next time, let's keep watching movies because it's what I love doing.