Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I find it funny hearing interviews with actors who complain about the movies they've done and how it has no artistic merit or integrity, basically it's below them. Shia LaBeouf is one recent actor lamenting his movies, it's as though someone forced him to make The Transformers or the last Indiana Jones movie because now all he wants to do is make real movies with real directors, something worthy of his talents, his gift. I wonder if he'd be saying the same thing if he was still on the Disney channel doing Even Stevens or some other T.V show that didn't make him as rich as those movies have made him. I think it's disrespectful to the fans when you make such inane comments because without them you wouldn't get to showcase your mediocre talents that they appreciate by flocking to see your films. I think Shia LaBeouf is a decent actor with limited range but he has yet to show me anything more but since he's only going to be making real movies perhaps I'll see something different.
I have always appreciated actors who know what there strengths are and make movies that compliment their limited range, basically if it ain't broke don't fix it. We all have favorite actors and actresses that we enjoy watching and the movies they make because it brings us comfort and for the most part we know we'll be entertained.
Of course there are actors and actresses who fluctuate between making blockbusters and independent movies because on one hand it makes them money and on the other it taps into their creative outlet. The other reason they make blockbusters is that they may have a pet project they want made, so a studio will front them the money when they finish their obligation with the blockbuster. This can be a win win for both the studio and the actor or actress because if the blockbuster takes off and does huge business the studios profits go up and if the pet project by the actor or actress does well and even scores an academy award or other awards that's even more profit and acclaim for the studio.
I think when these people complain about the movies they make they forget that it doesn't last forever, because fame is fleeting and when no one is calling you to act in their movies at that point you'd take anything. I've read interviews of those who got a second chance and are just thankful to be working no matter what film or T.V show they're making because the bottom line is they know how lucky they are to be working and making a living.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Academy Awards

Well it's only a week away and yes I'll be watching, although I'm not completely happy with all the nominees. I'll start with the best picture nominees, I'm okay with the majority with the exception of two which are War Horse and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Those two movies have no business being nominated, War Horse is a good movie but it was quite lacking which was rather surprising considering it's a Steven Spielberg film, it did move me like I was hoping, it just left me wanting or wishing it could have been great. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close was a bit maudlin which was sad considering it's topic, it never gripped me and felt very heavy handed like it was trying to shove it's topic down your throat which is sad because I'm sure there's a great film in there somewhere.
There's at least three other films I'd add to the best picture nominees and they include 50/50, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and Drive. If I was to add a dark horse nominee that would be Warrior which I feel is a very underrated great film not seen by enough people.
I can't really argue with the best actor nominees because I think all of them deserve to be nominated and I think it's going to come down between George Clooney and Jean Dujardin both of whom deserve it, but it isn't who I think should win, that honor belongs to Michael Fassbender who wasn't even nominated in a role that was very raw and gritty in the movie Shame.
The best actress nominees I think are all sound picks and unfortunately I didn't see We need to talk about Kevin because it was never released and I've heard that Tilda Swinton was amazing in her performance and should have been nominated. It's going to come down between Meryl Streep and Viola Davis but I would have gone with Michelle Williams who is simply amazing as Marilyn Monroe. I was going to argue that Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady was good but not great but that wouldn't be fair because I'm basing her performance on the whole of the movie which was average and nothing great. It's actually her performance that saves the movie because she is probably the greatest actress of all time and she is Margaret Thatcher.
In the best supporting actor there's at least two nominees I'd change Johan Hill and Max von Sydow and in their place I'd pick three others, obviously Albert Brooks in Drive, Armie Hammer in J.Edgar and Patton Oswalt in Young Adult.
In the best supporting actress there's only one I'd change and that would be Jessica Chastain in The Help, she was good but I don't think deserving of a nod, instead I'd choose Anna Kendrick in 50/50 and Carey Mulligan in Shame.
There is one more movie I felt was ripped off not being nominated and it's in best animated category and that's The Adventures of Tintin which should have easily walked off with the oscar, it was just a great film that can be enjoyed by the whole family or anyone who likes great films.
I'm often asked why I liked certain movies, especially when I post my top ten for the year and to be honest it comes down to if a movie moved me or touched me in some way, there's really no rhyme or reason we all like what we like and sometimes people will agree with those choices and other times they'll scratch their heads and think your crazy, but as my friend Chris told me it is my top ten.