Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let's talk about movies: 3D

Let's talk about movies: 3D: "It seems every time you turn around now, every movie is in 3D and now it seems more like a threat than a treat. I think we all get it's the ..."


It seems every time you turn around now, every movie is in 3D and now it seems more like a threat than a treat. I think we all get it's the studios way of bilking us out of more money but it's so shameless because we all know not every movie has to be in 3D.
I remember back in the 80's when they tried to reintroduce this format, especially with horror movies and that lasted about a minute because it became to gimmicky and unnecessary, but who could forget those red and blue lensed glasses. Which brings us back to today and history is repeating itself. It wasn't that long ago maybe 3 or 4 years now with this current reintroduction but it's reminding me of the 80's because it's becoming gimmicky and unnecessary.
Avatar is the movie that changed everything, it was the spectacle that showed what 3D could and should do when watching in that format. It was as if that movie was alive, with how vibrant those colors were, it's as if we were on that planet of Pandora. There were a couple of animated films that were quite good in this format as well that enhanced my movie-going experience but it's still not enough to justify every movie in 3D.
James Cameron who made Avatar filmed that movie in 3D with cameras he had made specifically for this movie and future movies because he felt the technology had finally caught up to his vision of what he could achieve. I know that there are movies currently being made that are being filmed in 3D and honestly I'm a mixture of skeptical and excited because if a movie can duplicate that success like Avatar did then I'm all in. That kind of spectacle of movie-going experience should be a once a year event, that way people don't get burned out and it still maintains that feeling of freshness, otherwise the way it's going you might as well have independent films in 3D as well so you can scare even more people away from the movies because of that threat.