Sunday, December 12, 2010

Going to the movies

Today it seems like the movie going experience is lost on many people, now with all are gadgets and smart phones, it seems that no longer is the only illumination from the screen but from every seat around you. I know this is a constant complaint from many people and I'm just adding my two cents but something has to change. I think it's one reason actual ticket sales have gone down, what I mean is that because today's ticket prices are inflated and you see how much a movie grossed that weekend doesn't actually mean a lot of people saw the movie. This is another reason people are deciding to stay at home and watch movies, but I'm getting off track here.
I guess one of my questions is why do these people even buy tickets when they aren't even going to watch the movie and ruin my experience by being on their stupid phone. What makes things worse is after telling this person or persons to be quiet things can escalate into violence, I read not too long ago about some getting shot for telling someone to be quiet. All this because you wanted to go and enjoy a movie.
I have a pet peeve I'll share with you, why is it people seem to have to seat themselves right next to you. I can understand when it's a packed movie but not when you're the only ones in the theater. I purposely sit in a certain area because I don't want other people next to me. Yet what is it with some people who think you all of a sudden want company. When people have sat next to me and the theater is pretty empty, I'll look around at all the other empty seats and look back at them like "Hello, you didn't have any of the other hundred or so seats to chose from!" Sorry that's my little vent. I have a friend who whatever reason just has to pick the top or near the top and sit in the middle seats and this drives me crazy because basically I'm helpless.
Where did we lose sight of going to the movies to escape from our life for just a couple of hours and not ruin it by talking or being on our phones, texting, whatever, just allowing the rest of us to enjoy the movie. I wish I could tell people if you can't be respectful of others then don't go especially with the cost of going to the movies or for people who only go to watch certain movies.
Ultimately it's up to us and I'd rather you stay home then ruin my fun, just remember if it's an empty theater don't sit next to me.