Friday, October 8, 2010

Remakes continued

I just wanted to add that it's a shame that with all this rich literary source material and even some very original material that's probably been created as we speak, why does Hollywood insist on making remakes. And of course the obvious reason is to resell it to a new generation and thus cash in again.
Again as I stated I think people should give foreign films or even independent films a chance, especially when you can easily research what the movies about on the internet.
It's my hope on future blogs I'll be able to recommend movies to you that you've never heard of or even considered and how pleasantly surprised you'll be in your delight at these hidden treasures.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


What is it with all these remakes of foreign films? I know people tell me that they get tired of reading while watching a film, but if the film is really good then I don't think they'll get lost in the story line.
This whole aversion to foreign films is lost on me because there have been some great films that I've seen this year that were stand alone films and should be easily recognized by the academy. When I say recognized by the academy, I don't mean best foreign film either, these are films that should be seen by everybody.
What got me going on this topic was that I just read how they are going to remake "The secret In their Eyes", which is ironic because I was just talking about this same thing with my friend Chris last night. The original is a great movie that I raved about to many people and posted about on Facebook. My fear is that they are going to butcher it and destroy a great story because unfortunately they will probably dumb it down because they don't feel that we as Americans are that bright.
Of course "The Departed" was a phenomenal film because it had a great filmmaker like Martin Scorsese make that film and it was a very sharp and smart movie. That's what it would take to make these remakes great, renowned filmmakers. I am curious to see how "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" turns out because David Fincher is making that remake. But this goes back to what I was saying why remake a great movie, why can't people just take a chance on a film that they might actually enjoy. Of course the opposite could be true and that is we have short attention spans, so of course people are going to complain about having to read while watching a movie. I hope I'm wrong and maybe it's that these films don't get enough advertising and that they only play at the independent theaters.
As a person who loves movies I implore you to try checking out a foreign film, it might actually surprise you how good it is and maybe even how superior it might be to what's out.