Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Spider-Man Reboot

Can it be that it was not even ten years ago that Spider-man finally graced our screens and yet here there's talk of rebooting the franchise. I always thought a reboot was needed after the franchise had played itself out and this is definitely not the case with the Spider-man franchise.
Andrew Garfield the actor the studio picked as the new Peter Parker/Spider-Man is the same age Tobey Maguire was when he started Spider-Man. The studio originally wanted to start over with the franchise having Peter Parker back in high school and going from there, but with this new actor taking over the franchise, the Peter Parker character again will be in college. If your thinking like I was, the question is WHY?!
Sam Raimi's version and vision of Spider-Man were great, I liked his choices for the villains, he was old school and that was definitely the way to establish this franchise.
When I saw the first Spider-man movie come to life on the big screen it's what I was hoping for, it was like seeing my comics come to life especially since it was stuck in development hell forever. I would read I don't know how many times that a Spider-Man movie was being attempted to be made but in 2002 there it was finally for all to see.
Spider-Man 2 was even better than the first one and developed the characters even more, fleshed them out and made me care for them. Spider-Man 2 is still one of my favorite super hero movies easily in the top two.
Unfortunately for Sam Raimi Spider-Man 3 is a bit muddled and has too many villains in it, which I don't blame on him because he was forced to use a character which he didn't want to use.
Yes, that character is Venom. I always felt they should have saved that character for future sequels but the studio rushed it into Spider-Man 3 where you can see it feels rushed.
If the studio was smart they would have let Raimi finish his vision of Spider-Man and then brought in a new director and possibly recast Peter Parker, but I think Tobey Maguire still had a couple films left in him. I think Tobey Maguire was cast perfectly as Peter Parker and I thought Kirsten Dunst did a decent job as Mary Jane Watson.
So instead of rebooting this franchise, now is when you bring in a new director and allow his vision to come to life, a fresh, new perspective on this still great franchise. At least with a new director you'd have a better choice for the Venom character then Topher Grace.
I can't help thinking what Spider-Man 3 could have been without studio interference, maybe for once a great number three in a series instead of a miss.
One more thing, I wonder how great James Cameron's version of Spider-Man might have been especially since the studio called his script that he wrote too violent. Perhaps Mr. Cameron might grace us with a version of Spider-Man one of these days, as long as those idiots in Hollywood don't destroy it first.